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Abraham was born in the South in Accra, Ghana. He has been in Bolgatanga since 1995. He spent 5 years at Ghana Christian College. He started a village church in Somboligo which is near Burkino Faso. Since he was from the South there was a language barrier when he came to Bolgatanga. He later planted another church at Bongo, Yorogo and finally in Bolgatanga where he is presently the head evangelist. Abraham and his wife Maggie have 3 children and several grandchildren. In 2006, Abraham and Maggie took in 8 orphans and would like to start an orphanage and learning center for the children. Their orphans have now grown to over 12, living with them. They provide food, clothing, living quarters inside their home and school expenses for them.

The membership of the church ranges from 30-40 people. The church started in Abraham's living room and with God's blessing was able to move to the public school classroom where there have been many attempts to remove the church from it's meeting place. People try to discourage the members from coming to church and call them a "mushroom church" saying they have no future. For example, many of the school boys that attend church have been threatened to have their school fees cut off if they do not stop coming to church. Monday nights Abraham teaches a leadership course for future leaders. Sunday and Wednesday nights there is a service for everyone. Abraham teaches them the Bible and encourages them to practice serving the church through teaching, preaching, serving the Lord's Supper and leading songs. In 2006 the church has branched out to several villages enabling them to grow and reach more lost souls.

Bolgatanga is a poor, deprived area in the upper eastern region of Ghana. Farming is done once a year between June and August. The people depend on the crops for paying school fees, clothing, hospital bills, etc. They sell live-stock to buy their own food. They believe in ancestral worship. For example, when a father dies, the first born is to build an image with soil representing the dead father and the whole family will worship it. This makes it difficult to win adults to Christ Jesus.

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